EuSEN Webinar 1 – 27/10/2021
All countries have different travel regulations because of which travelling and meeting at a conference is not an option right now.
Therefore we decided that we would like to invite you for a free of charge virtual webinar on ”Covid 19” and it’s side effects.
It will take place on October 27th 2021 from 20.00-21.00 CET
Effect of Covid-19 in Pediatric Emergency Departments: A Dilemma?
Petra Valk-Zwickl (CH)
Boarding of ICU Patients in the ED: Impact on Nursing Care in COVID-times
Christien van der Linden (NL)
The adaptation of the infrastructure and process of the ED during the Covid- pandemic
Yves Maule (B)
Presentation 15’ and Q&A 5
How to join the webinar ?
The webinar is free of charge
Next Webinars
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