Dear Colleagues
The main purpose of The European Society for Emergency Nursing EuSEN is to promote the art and science of emergency nursing across Europe and provide a platform for knowledge and information sharing amongst its members in the interest of our patients.
One of the most important resources to get relevant information in relation to the art of emergency nursing is the internet. Therefore the board of EuSEN is extremely delighted that the website is now online and fully operational. Many thanks to our treasurer Yves Maule for the great work constructing the site.
We are convinced that the content of the site will grow by the time. But you, as an emergency nurse, could also contribute to the exchange of information and send us all information related to your job. The website will also have a forum where topics and issues can be discussed.
In the hope that this website can connect all emergency nurses in Europe and help them to share their knowledge and skills,
Yours sincerely
Door Lauwaert
President EuSEN