Psychological preparedness for disasters among nurses with disaster field experience (an Online Survey)
Dear Colleagues,
You are cordially invited to participate in a disaster preparedness study conducted by a PhD candidate, Mr. Nizar SAID, who is supervised by Associate Professor Dr Vico Chiang, and cosupervised by Professor Alex Molasiotis of the School of Nursing in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The project has been approved by the Human Subjects Ethics Sub-committee (HSESC) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HSESC Reference Number: HSEARS20190118001).
The disaster preparedness study has the purpose to investigate the outcomes of a psychological first aid (PFA) training programme, with the aim of this phase I as an online survey to 1) investigate psychological preparedness for disasters among nurses with disaster field experience, and 2) evaluate the extent of psychological preparedness of nurses with disaster filed experience in relation to self-efficacy, dispositional optimism, trait anxiety, and self-esteem.
The results obtained from this survey will be useful to inform the better structure of the PFA training for further study in the next phase. This study will involve completing a questionnaire, which will take you about twenty minutes to complete. The questionnaires contain five sections.
The study should not result in any undue discomfort. All information related to you will remain confidential and will be identifiable by codes only known to the researchers.
As a participant, you should have participation in at least one disaster relief work on-site or in the related clinical setting (e.g. hospital).
We would be very grateful if you may also further spread the online survey link for other nurses whom you know and have disaster filed experience to join the study.
In order to appreciate your participation in this survey, three free registrations for the upcoming Asia Pacific Emergency and Disaster Nursing Network (APEDNN ) conference in September 2019 at Hong Kong will be offered. If you would like to join this lucky draw, please provide your email address at the end of this survey.
The survey link:
Sincerely Yours,
Mr. Nizar Said