EuSEN Congress 2019, Brussels Join us !!! Registration : www.eusencongress.org
Gamification and innovation to increase patient safety.
Traumacoordinator Marianne Dahlhaug, St. Olavs Hospital Traumacenter, Trondheim, Norway.
Marianne is running a project for individual simulation with the use of a cell phone App to simulate patient cases. The main purpose of this is to train health professionals, to do a primary survey within the ATLS principles (ABCDE), and decide which patients that is in need of a trauma team activation. As a decision making tools this game can assist prehospital personnel in the triage of injured patients, identifying those who require immediate lifesaving interventions to safely reduce unnecessary under- and overtriage. It can also be used to simulate correct communication and hand-over by using ISBAR. You can simulate on these matters everywhere. A simulation centre in a pocket edition.