“Is case Management in the ED a way to
decrease length of stay ?”
Manager Critical Care Department, BRUGMANN University Hospital, Brussels
One of the major challenges facing public health is the continuing increase in the attendance of emergency services that leads to chronic congestion and has a significant impact on the quality and cost of care provided In these services.
Various initiatives have been taken with the aim of controlling this increase in activity without any convincing results (triage system, redesign ED, addressing patient to First line medicine).
This increase in activity exists all over European countries and an effective adaptation is the emergence in the ED of advanced nurse practice through the creation of new functions entrusted to nurses who have followed a specific education program.
The objective of this pre-experimental mono-centric research is to assess the impact of the implementation of an advanced practice nurse function represented by case management within an emergency department.
The results of this research, which have as a conceptual framework the American Association of Critical care nurses “synergy model for patient care” demonstrate for patient with determined characteristic that there is a statistically positive impact on the time of first contact with the doctors, the length of stay in the emergency room, the times to hospitalization and the rate of patient referred to an external service but also concerning the skills implemented by the nurses placed in a function of Case manager.